متن استاتیک شماره 54 موجود نیست


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اولویت های پژوهشی


فضاهای آموزشی و پژوهشی :





زمینه های تحقیقاتی گروه بیوشیمی :


name Academic rank major Research interest
Naghibolhoseini.F Professor Molecular genetics Colorectal Cancer
Akmali.M Assistant Professor Clinical enzymology and metabolic diseases Diabetes
Mostafavi.Z Professor recombinant protein technology , biochemistry , cell biology , molecular biology

Cell adhesion

Molecules , recombinant protein technology , biochemical research
Seghatoleslam.A Professor Molecular genetics , molecular and cell biology Cancer molecular and cell biology
Mokaram.P Professor Molecular genetics Epigenetic in diseases
Zal.F Associate Professor Clinical biochemistry Reproductive biology
Khoshdel.Z Associate Professor Clinical biochemistry Neurobiochemistry
Shafiei.M Associate Professor Clinical biochemistry Molecular basis of cancers